Monday, May 30, 2011

Butterfly Pattern Tester Photos

Hat by Tester Marcy

Hat by Tester RedStar

Hat by Tester Debbie

Hat by Tester Jackie

Hat by Tester Marta

I also wanted to send out a special Thank you To Marta for donating to our Relay for Life, raising money for the Hope to find a Cure, the reason I am designing this pattern in the first place. To donate you can click on the link in the upper right corner of my blog which will take you directly to the the Relay for Life website. Donating directly you will receive an emailed form so you can deduct from your taxes if you itemize and live in the USA anyway. If you donate $10 or more you are also purchasing a Luminaria which will Honor a loved one who has in the past or is battling cancer, or In Memory of a loved one who has lost their battle against cancer. You can enter their name in the Fundraising Honor Roll or in the message. Your loved ones name will go on a illuminated bag which will glow all night through the walk. Once I get this pattern ready, I will try my hand at selling it on the Ravelry site but I believe a percentage of the money will then go to paypal, or you can donate directly on the Relay for Life site.
If you donate as your way of purchasing this pattern please follow up using the same email address as you used to donate and email me at Once I confirm your donation I will email you a pdf file of the pattern. As we speak I believe I have preemie through 6 month size hat pattern ready.
 I would also like to share one more thing, Marta also had a cute idea to make the butterflies look... well more like butterflies.
She weaved in Red Heart Tiki decorative yarn, through each butterfly stitch and tied off on the inside behind each stitch. So cute! If you see this post Marta and have any tips or tricks please post a comment.

Thanks to all my wonderful testers I should have the pattern available soon.

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