Friday, April 8, 2011

Kindergarten Round Up

My middle guy had kindergarten Round Up today. It went better than I thought it would. He is very shy and doesn't like new anything. So when it was time for all the kids to go with Mrs. Klug and Mrs. Doty and leave the moms and dads behind, James did not want to go. I went along holding his hand as they went on a scavenger hunt through the school. First the lunch room he didn't let go. Next the office, I managed to convince him to go in with out me and I promised I would wait right outside the door. Next was the nurse's office. This time I convinced him to go in with out me and I would go back to fill out the paper work I left behind. He was torn between holding my hand and the fun he was having on the scavenger hunt, but the hunt won out. Mean while they had four kids from the High School dressed as Dorothy, the Scare Crow, the Cowardly Lion, and Glenda the Good Witch (from a play they just put on). The lion was so funny. Running around telling people not to pull his tail. Just outside the nurses offices (and near the bathrooms) he asked Mrs. Klug if she'd seen a litter box any where around. We all laughed so hard, including James. It was so nice that the high school students could joke around with such little kids. When James finally came back to me, he was clutching a blow up lion and packet full of summer homework (the best part about school according to Mrs. Doty). James was so proud of himself. It was a good day. And to top it all off, my little girl didn't scream at Grandma while I was gone.

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