Sunday, April 3, 2011

Off to work I go

Tomorrow is my first day back to work after my maternity leave. Luckily I'm only working part time, for the first three weeks my day care only had two days a week available, YEAH! Then in three weeks I start three days a week. Hopefully my little girl has a better day then I think she will have. So far she cries at everyone but James and myself. She even cries at Dad, Grandma and Grandpa. I guess she'll make those ladies at daycare earn their money tomorrow. I feel bad for all of them but especially my little girl.

Over the past few days I tried to get a few more projects in. I made a hat like I made for my little girl for Aunt Tammy to give as a gift along with a couple of headbands. I also knit my little girl a rose headband. I knit a little green and blue hat for gift to give as well. And last night I started on a knit dish cloth. But I didn't finish so hopefully it doesn't sit in limbo too long.

I'll try and take some pictures soon, and post them.

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